Angelia's Priorities
Let's discuss the issues at hand.

Fiscal Conservatism
Biden’s Inflation is devastating, and skyrocketing property taxes are putting Texas families on the brink, but Angelia Orr has a plan to fix it. With an unprecedented $33 Billion budget surplus this session, Angelia is determined to pass lasting property tax cuts by reforming the appraisal process and ensuring that hard working Texas families keep more money in their pocket.
Public Education is an investment in the future of our children and the future of our state. Radical leftist ideologies seeking to indoctrinate our children serve no function other than to distract and confuse our kids when they should be learning. Angelia will keep these radical policies out of schools so our teachers can focus on doing what they do best, preparing our kids for success.

Support Police
Angelia is committed to fighting extreme activists’ attempts to defund Texas police and she will work tirelessly in the legislature to support local and state law enforcement and ensure they have the funding and support needed to keep all Texas families safe.

Secure the Border
Joe Biden’s open border policies are a disaster. Angelia opposes the repeal of title 42 and will work with her colleagues in the House to hire more border patrol agents, fully secure the Texas border, and stop the flow of human traffickers and dangerous drugs, like fentanyl, into Texas.
2nd Amendment
Angelia is unwavering in her defense of the Constitution, including our right to bear arms and she will stand up to radicals seeking to infringe on our rights.

Protect the Right to Life
As a mother and strongly pro-life Christian, Angelia believes every life is precious. With the Supreme Court returning authority to the states, Angelia will ensure Texas leads the way in protecting life.

Secure Elections
Free and fair elections are the foundation that are nation is founded upon. Angelia will support legislation to further secure the ballot box and eliminate all voter fraud so Texans can continue to have full faith in our elections.
Defend Rural Texas
​Angelia’s family has farmed and ranched in Hill County for over 150 years, her roots run deep, and she is committed to defending the way of life she has always known. Urban legislators routinely craft legislation that solely benefit big Texas cities and make no sense for rural Texans, like High-speed Rail. Angelia will be a voice for rural Texans and will bring rural lawmakers together to fight for our shared values, defend our way of life, and improve quality of life through projects like expanding rural broadband.